1 Reading Presentation tips

Presentation tips

You are about to read a website with pointers for opening a presentation. Before you read, group the problems and solutions. Move the text to the correct category.


People don’t know what to expect.
The audience is anxious.
Your audience is confused.
People don’t know when to ask questions.
People are bored.


Give a ‘map’ of the presentation.
Get people’s attention.
Tell the audience when to ask questions.
Describe the topic of your presentation.
Welcome your aduience.

Opening a Presentation

The opening, or introduction, of your presentation is the most important part. Use these pointers to help you deliver a successful opening.

First, welcome your audience. Thank them for coming.

Then get people’s attention. Present an interesting fact or statistic, something that introduces your topic to the audience, and gets them thinking.

Offer people a ‘map’ of your presentation. Your opening should summarize what you will talk about first, second, third, and so on.

Give your audience the rules for questions. Tell them if they can ask questions at any time or whether they should wait until the end. It’s your choice.

Practice your opening until it’s perfect.

Presentation tips

Match the presentation advice with the explanations. Connect the matching texts.

Questions –> Tell the audience when they can ask you something.

Offer a map –> Say what you will talk about first,second,third,and so on.

Grab attention –> Present an interesting fact.

Practice –> Do you opening again and again until you remrember it and it’s perfect.

2 Vocabulary Opening a presentation


Joan is giving IXW employees an update on the company. Watch the video and study the language.

acquisition (知识、技能等的)获得,得到;(多指贵重的)购得物;购置物;收购的公司;购置的产业;购置;收购

JOAN:Um,good morning,everyone.Thanks for coming.

Things have been happening fast lately,

I know that you’re anxious to get more information about our acquisition of Sunset Computers.

I’ll get you what I can today.I’ll start by giving a general update.

Then I’ll talk about the new COO at Sunset.

And I’ll finish by talking about some extremely interesting information about how our markets are changing.

However,I won’t have any new financial information.

That won’t come out util next month.

Uh,during my presentation,if you have questions,please just ask them.

SALLY:Uh,Joan.You used the word ‘acquistion’.I thought that it was a merger.

JOAN:That’s a good point,Sally.Yes,we are now thinking of Sunset as a
subsidiary of IXW.

Um,I’ll give you more information in my update.

Greeting your audience

At the beginning of your opening, greet your audience and thank them for coming.

Good morning. Thank you all for coming today.
Good morning. Thank you all for coming today.

Previewing your presentation

Use these expressions to get your audience’s attention and then give details of exactly what you’ll talk about.

I know that you’re all anxious to know about our acquisition of DPXG. I have some news.

I know that you’re all anxious to know about our acquisition of DPXG. I have some news.

I’ll start by giving an update. Then I’m going to introduce our new CEO. Finally, I’ll be talking about our changing product line.

I’ll start by giving an update. Then I’m going to introduce our new CEO. Finally, I’ll be talking about our changing product line.

Dealing with questions

Before you begin presenting your points, tell your audience how you want to handle questions.

Please hold all of your questions until the end of the presentation. Please hold all of your questions until the end of the presentation.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them at any time.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them at any time.

Put the text in the correct order.

Good morning,everyone.Thank you for coming.

I’ll start by giving a general update.

After that,I’ll tell you about our new projects.

Finally,I’ll be giving details about our merger with Sunset.

If you have questions,please feel free to ask them at any time.

Select the correct words.

Hi,everyone.Thank you all for coming today.

I know that you’re all anxious for information.

I’ll start by giving an update.

Finally,I’ll be talking about our product line.

Please hold all of your questions until the end.

If you have questions,feel free to ask them at any time.

Listen and record what you hear

Then I’ll be talking about our merger with DPXG.

If you have questions, feel free to ask them.

I’ll start by giving an update.

Finally, I’m going to explain our new projects.

I know that you’re all anxious to get information.

Good morning. Thank you all for coming today.
I have some news.

Then I’ll be talking about our merger with DPXG.

3 Grammar Previewing main points

Previewing your main points

You can use a variety of future forms to preview your main points.

I’ll begin by giving a general update.
I’ll begin by giving a general update.

I’m going to finish by talking about new projects.
I’m going to finish by talking about new projects.

Forms with -ing can sound less definite and more friendly. For example, I’ll be discussing sounds more relaxed than I will discuss.

I’ll be discussing our acquisition of Smoot Hawley.
I’ll be discussing our acquisition of Smoot Hawley.

To tell your audience what you will not be covering in your presentation, use won’t or not going to. Notice that after the negative, any is used rather than some.

However, I won’t have any new financial information.
However, I won’t have any new financial information.

Select the correct words

I’ll give you what I can today.
I’ll start by giving a general update.

Then I’ll talk about the new COO at Sunset.

However,I won’t have any new financial information.

Finally,I’ll be talking about our product line.

Prevewing main points

Then,I’m going to talk about new projects.
I’ll start by giving a general update.

Finally,I’ll be discussing our merger with Smoot.

However,I won’t have any new financial information.

Listen and record what you hear.

I’ll start by giving a general update.

Then I’m going to talk about new projects.
I’ll be explaining our merger with Smoot Hawley.
However, I won’t have any financial information.

4 Final Task Opening a presentation

You are giving a company update to your team. Listen and record the correct response.

Good morning, everyone. Thanks for coming.

I know you’re all anxious to know what’s going on. I have some news.

First, I’m going to give an update on our recent acquisition.

Then I’ll give you information about our growth in Asia.

Finally, I’ll be talking about our new CFO, Mary Rickman.

If you have any questions,feel free to ask them in any time.

It’s an acquisition, not a merger.


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