A Plague Tale: Requiem – Embark on a heartrending journey into a brutal, breathtaking world, and discover the cost of saving those you love in a desperate struggle for survival….

Game Overview

Far across the sea, an island calls… Embark on a heartrending journey into a brutal, breathtaking world twisted by supernatural forces. After escaping their devastated homeland, Amicia and Hugo travel far south, to new regions and vibrant cities. There, they attempt to start a new life and control Hugo’s curse. But, when Hugo’s powers reawaken, death and destruction return in a flood of devouring rats. Forced to flee once more, the siblings place their hopes in a prophesized island that may hold the key to saving Hugo. Discover the cost of saving those you love in a…

 TITLE: A Plague Tale Requiem

 DEVELOPER: Asobo Studio

 PUBLISHER: Focus Entertainment

 RELEASE DATE: 17 Oct, 2022

 GENRE: Action, Adventure​



 RELEASE NAME: A Plague Tale Requiem-Razor1911

 CRACKED BY: Razor1911


NOTE Install Microsoft VCLibs and Gaming Services (support folder) Before start game.​



System Requirement


Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system

OS: Windows 10 (20H1 64 bits)

Processor: Intel Core i5-4690K (3.5 GHz)/AMD FX-8300 (3.3 GHz)

Memory: 16 GB RAM

Graphics: 4 GB, GeForce GTX 970/Radeon RX 590

DirectX: Version 12

Storage: 55 GB available space

Additional Notes: 30 FPS, 1920×1080 in low. DirectX 12 Feature Level 12 and Shader Model 6.0 are needed.


Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system

OS: Windows 10 (20H1 64 bits)

Processor: Intel Core i7-8700K (3.7 GHz) / AMD Ryzen 5 3600 (3.6 GHz)

Memory: 16 GB RAM

Graphics: 8 GB, GeForce RTX 3070/Radeon RX 6800 XT

DirectX: Version 12

Storage: 55 GB available space

Additional Notes: 60 FPS, 1920×1080 in ultra. SSD storage is recommended.


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