


The annual SAT competitions have become an essential event for the distribution of SAT benchmarks and the development of new SAT-solving methods [5]. Sequential SAT solvers compete mainly in three categories: industrial, crafted, and random tracks. The SAT competitions have demonstrated how difficult it is for SAT solvers to perform well across all categories. Results show that conflict-driven clause-learning (CDCL) SAT solvers were most performant for solving industrial and crafted SAT benchmarks, whereas look-ahead and Stochastic Local Search (SLS)-based SAT solvers have dominated the random category [5]. Modern implementations of CDCL SAT solvers employ a lot of heuristics. Some of them can be considered baseline, such as the Variable State Independent Decaying Sum (VSIDS) [6], restarts [7], and Literal Block Distance (LBD) [8]. Several others were incorporated recently, including: Learnt Clause Minimization (LCM) [9], Distance (Dist) heuristic [10], Chronological Backtracking (ChronoBT) [11], duplicate learnts heuristic [12], Conflict History-Based (CHB) heuristic [13], Learning Rate-based Branching (LRB) heuristic [14], and the SLS component [15].





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[13] Liang, J.H.; Ganesh, V.; Poupart, P.; Czarnecki, K. Exponential Recency Weighted Average Branching Heuristic for SAT Solvers. In Proceedings of the Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Phoenix, AZ, USA, 12–17 February 2016; AAAI’16. pp. 3434–3440. [Google Scholar]

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