Class description

In this lesson you will learn phrases to share a prefessional opinion as well as phrases to seek opinions of colleagues.By the end of this lesson,you will be
able to participate in a business discussion in the context of a group interview.

A Vocabulary

Match the definition and the word.

to change the time at which something is planned so that it takes place later. ==> reschedule 重新安排时间

without a job because there is no more work available for you. ==> redundant 冗余的

something you get from a company in addition to the money you earn. ==> benefits

have a good reason for doing something. ==> justified 正当的;(做某事)有正当理由的;事出有因;合乎情理

B Grammar

Correct these phrases

I don’t still like the idea.

==>I still don’t like the idea.

I guess would

==> I guess I would…

how would you that?

==> how would you do that?

C Use the language from this lesson

Next time you’re having a group discussion,practice sharing your opinion and asking for other’s.Use phrases from the lesson.

I mean,if I was being made reduundant,I’d be pretty unhappy.What do you think,Mary?


scenario 场景


dedicated 专用的

collaboration 协作

benchmarks 基准

simulation 模拟

A panel of 一组

share the charge

make redundant

take any

I think

if i were you,i would

I REALLY afraid i agree with you

I supposed so….


then what wil we do?

I guess I would

I mean,if

share your own opinion

I think..

I guess I would

I mean,if...

My point is that ....

I'm not sure...

I'm not sure that

I would...

I suppose to...

I still don't like the idea.

ask for someone else’s opinion

what would you do?

how would you do that?

how would you feel if that happened to you?

But what if he refuses?


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