GL-Taking part in a trial


In a countroom,the ‘judge’,’jury’ and witness all have important roles.Imagine that you’r taking part in a high profile trial,

Would you prefer to be the defendant,the prosecutor or a member of the jury?

prosecutor 检察官 英 [ˈprɒsɪkjuːtə(r)]

defendant 被告人

witness 目击者

allege 英 [əˈledʒ]

testify 作证

Target Language

People in a courtroom




defense lawyer,

defendant 被告人

defense lawyer,




Verbs in the courtrroom

The Shawshank Redemption

I saw a court trial that impressed me deeply.

One of my most impressed trials is the plot of this trial took place a few minutes before the beginning of The Shawshank Redemption.

Where is the judge?

Listen to our teacher

how do you plead?

Shawshank is the defendant, and there is an aggressive defense lawyer

defense lawyer 辩护律师

Read the questions below,who asks these questions?who answers these questions and how?

how do you plead?

Can you account for your movements on the morning of the robbery?

Can you describe your relationship with the accused?

Can you tell us what you witnessed?

can you tell us what you witnessed 你能告诉我们你目睹了什么吗


Today we…

Discussed the different people found in a courtroom.

Used common questions in court.

Participated in a bank robbery trial.

Before you go…

Describe the trial process in your country.How is it different from what we talked about today?

Have you ever had to go to court?Explain what happened.


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