Topic Suggesting a book

Which book is being described?

Can you think of any more genres?

Is Shakespeare your favorite author or is Agatha Christie more your style?

Find out what your classmates prefer and compare your reading habits.

prominent 重要的
contemporary 属同时期的


nebula 星云

nominations 提名

interstellar fleet 星际舰队

fragile strategic 脆弱的战略

humanity 人性

what type of books do you like reading?

i like fantasy books
I think romance is boring.

Horror books are very populary in my country?
I like the plot and scientific significance of this book very much

I like science novels best,

My favorite science novel is
Science fiction can fully satisfy my imagination and stimulate my imagination of the future.

When I read some plots, I will feel very excited
黑暗森林法则 Dark Forest Law
I changed my headphones

Use the types of boos below to fill in the blanks!

Did you suggest any of these genres?

what other genres can you think of?



Why You Should Read Science Fiction

Reading sci-fi is good exercise for your brain and allows you to see connections among things in disparate areas because “it is the only literary genre that systematically explores the interrelationship of science, technology, society, and history, exploring future possible scenarios and potential cultural impacts.” Source.

  1. Sci-Fi Promotes Reading in Young People.

  2. Sci-Fi Increases Acceptance of Science by Its Readers.

  3. It Makes You Open to How Change Actually Occurs.

  4. Sci-Fi Encourages Creative Thinking.

Why You Should Read Science Fiction



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