
create databases `library`;
use library;

create table book(
    bno char(20) not null primary key,
    bname varchar(50),
    author varchar(50),
    publish varchar(50),
    price float(255,0)

create table reader(
    rno char(10) not null primary key,
    rname char(8) not null,
    sex char(2) not null,
    tel char(8),
    department varchar(30),
    address varchar(30)

create table borrow(
    rno char(8) not null,
    bno char(20) not null,
    bdate char(10) not null,
    rdate char(10),
    constraint fk_r_no foreign key (rno) references reader(rno),
    constraint fk_b_no foreign key (bno) references book(bno)

insert into book values

insert into reader values

insert into borrow values
('0004','888888','2022-6-3', null),
('0005','777777','2022-7-16', null),
('0008','999999','2022-7-31', null),
('0011','111111','2022-8-3', null),
('0011','222222','2022-8-9', null);

19、 查询读者的基本信息及其借阅情况(借阅情况指历史借阅数量,在借数量);

 select reader.rno,rname,sex,tel,department,address,
 count(borrow.bdate) as 历史借阅, 
 count(borrow.bdate) - count(borrow.rdate) as 在借数量
 from reader
 left join borrow 
 on borrow.rno = reader.rno
 group by reader.rno;

20、 查询读者的读者号、姓名、借阅的图书名、借出日期及归还日期,


select reader.rno,rname,bname,bdate,rdate
from reader
inner join borrow
on reader.rno = borrow.rno
inner join book
on borrow.bno = book.bno
order by rno;

21、 查询借阅了机械工业出版社,并显示读者号、姓名、书名、出版社、借出日期及归还日期

select reader.rno,rname,bname,publish,bdate,rdate
from reader
inner join borrow
on reader.rno = borrow.rno
inner join book
on borrow.bno = book.bno
where publish = '机械工业出版社';

22、 查询至少借阅过1本机械工业出版社的图书的读者的 读者号、姓名、借阅本数,并按借阅本数多少排序

select reader.rno,rname,bname,publish,count(*) as 借阅本数
from reader
inner join borrow
on reader.rno = borrow.rno
inner join book
on borrow.bno = book.bno
where publish = '机械工业出版社'
group by reader.rno
order by 借阅本数;

23、 查询与‘王小平’的办公电话相同的读者的姓名(王小平本人不再列出);

select rname 
from reader 
where tel = (select tel from reader where rname = '王小平') 
and rname != '王小平';

24、 查询办公电话为‘88320701’的所有读者的借阅情况,要求包含借阅了图书的读者和没有借阅的读者,


select reader.rno,rname,bname,bdate 
from reader
left join borrow
on reader.rno = borrow.rno
left join book
on borrow.bno = book.bno
where tel = '88320701';

25、 查询所有单价小于平均单价的图书的书号、书名及出版社;

select bno,bname,publish 
from book
where price < (select avg(price) from book);

26、 查询‘科学出版社’的图书的单价比‘机械工业出版社’最高单价还高的图书书名及单价;


select bname,price 
from book
where publish = '科学出版社' 
and price > 
all(select price from book where publish = '机械工业出版社');


select bname,price 
from book
where publish = '科学出版社' 
and price > 
(select max(price) from book where publish = '机械工业出版社');

27、 查询已经被借阅过并已经归还的图书信息;

select * 
from book
left join borrow
on borrow.bno = book.bno
where rdate is not null;

28、 查询从未被借阅过的图书信息;

select * 
from book
left join borrow
on borrow.bno = book.bno
where bdate is null;

29、 查询正在被借阅的图书信息;

select * 
from borrow
inner join book
on borrow.bno = book.bno
where rdate is null;

30、 查询软件系借了书还没有还的读者学号姓名。


select reader.rno,rname 
from reader
inner join borrow
on borrow.rno = reader.rno
where rdate is null
group by rno;


select reader.rno,rname 
from reader
left join borrow
on borrow.rno = reader.rno
where bdate is not null and rdate is null 
group by rno;

31、 查询借阅图书总数最多的宿舍楼


select address
from reader
inner join borrow
on reader.rno = borrow.rno
group by address
order by count(*) desc limit 0,1 ;


select address,count(*) as num
from reader
inner join borrow
on reader.rno = borrow.rno
group by address;

select address,max(num) from (…);


select address from(
    select address,max(num) from (
        select address,count(*) as num
        from reader
        inner join borrow
        on reader.rno = borrow.rno
        group by address
    ) as temp
) as temp;


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