Quinn- China
Xingwei- China
Alice- China
Eistert- China
Fen- China
Aaron- China

What do american sound like?

The speed of continuous reading will be faster than English in Britain
I think American English is more casual than British English

More casual and sometimes difficult to understand what they said

what typical American words phrases do you know

Do you think American English is easy or difficult to understand?Why?

Did you think of any of these words?what other American words can you think of?

I think Americans speak English very quickly, and it is difficult for beginners to understand their meaning

Bummer 真倒霉 Bad luck
Dude 伙计
It was totally lame 这完全是一派胡言
what’s up man
i bombed the test => failed
I’m just hanging out 我只是出去玩

I’m beat
英 [aɪm biːt] 美 [aɪm biːt]

That’s so lame!这太逊了

Target language

American English

It was totally lame = It was absolutely useless.

Bummer = What a shame.

I bombed the test = I failed the test.

What’s up, dude? = Hello, my friend.

That sucks = That’s too bad.

Good responses

Hey dude, What’s up?- Aaron

I’m beat. I bombed the test. That was so lame- Eistert

What’s up with you? Did you hang out with your friends?- Alice

I hung out at my grandma’s house- Fen

How it is going?- Xingwei

It’s so hot, it sucks- Quinn

Grammar tips

They all speaking so fast

They all speak so fast

Do you have any plan on the weekend

Do you have plans for the weekend?

I hang out with my girl

I will hang out with my girl




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