Debian currently provides 3 ports, ‘mips’, ‘mipsel’, and ‘mips64el’.
The ‘mips’ and ‘mipsel’ ports are respectively big and little endian variants, using the O32 ABI with hardware floating point.
They use the MIPS II ISA in Jessie and the MIPS32R2 ISA in Stretch and later.
The ‘mips64el’ port is a 64-bit little endian port using the N64 ABI, hardware floating point and the MIPS64R2 ISA.
‘mips’和’mipsel’端口分别是大端和小端变体,使用O32 ABI和硬件浮点。他们在Jessie中使用MIPS II ISA,在Stretch中使用MIPS32R2 ISA。
‘mips64el’端口是一个64位小端端口,使用N64 ABI,硬件浮点和MIPS64R2 ISA。
mips 是32位大端字节序
mipsel 是32位小端字节序
mips64el 是64位小端字节序

研究原因,源码编译完成后的node npm下载依赖的时候报错 浮点型错误不知道是不是这个原因,编译的架构为 mips64


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