
the SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.7.57 Client not authenticated to send mail. Error: 535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful 




SmtpClientAuthentication is disabled for the Tenant.


‘The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.7.57 Client not authenticated to send mail. Error: 535 5.7.139 Authentication unsuccessful, SmtpClientAuthentication is disabled for the Mailbox. Visit for more information. []’



Deprecation of Basic authentication in Exchange Online | Microsoft Learn 

在 Exchange Online |中启用或禁用 SMTP 身份验证微软学习 (

Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell | Microsoft Learn

开启O365 邮箱账号的smtp模式

1.  安装模块 

Install-Module -Name ExchangePowerShell

2.  检查安装模块是否成功 

Find-Module -Name ExchangePowerShell

3. 连接Exchange  

Connect-ExchangeOnline -ExchangeEnvironmentName O365China


Environment Value
Microsoft 365 or Microsoft 365 GCC n/a*
Microsoft 365 GCC High O365USGovGCCHigh
Microsoft 365 DoD O365USGovDoD
Office 365 Germany O365GermanyCloud
Office 365 operated by 21Vianet O365China

4.  全局启用smtp

Set-TransportConfig -SmtpClientAuthenticationDisabled $false

5. 检查smtp启用情况

Get-TransportConfig | Format-List SmtpClientAuthenticationDisabled

 6. 指定单独邮箱启用smtp

Set-CASMailbox -Identity -SmtpClientAuthenticationDisabled $false



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