The last magic adventure had gone wrong. Floppy had been left behind.
A giant bird had flown off with him. This was becasue a horrid genie had escaped from a bottle. “And it was all my fault,” said Biff.
“we’ve got to rescue Floppy,” said Chip. “We must go back into the adventure.” But we can’t make the key glow,” said Biff. “I know,” said Chip, “but we must try. We have to find a way to get the genie back in the bottle.” Biff and Chip looked at the magic key. “Oh, if only it would glow,” said Biff. Then the magic key did begin to glow. The magic took the children back into the last adventure. The magic took them to an island. Biff had been there before. It was the island where the giant bird had flown away with Floppy. Kamar was still there. He was with his father, Hassan. Hassan and kamar were mending their boat. Kamar ran to meet them. “You have come back!” he said to Biff. “Where have you been?” “You wouldn’t belive it ,” said Biff, “even if we told you.” “This is my brother, chip,” said Biff. “We have come back to rescue Floppy.” Kamar shook his head. “That will be very dangerous,” he said. “The giant bird took them up to the top of that mountain.” “I know,” said Biff, “and that’s where we’re going. We must get up there as fast as we can.” “Stop!” shouted Kamar. “Don’t go! Have you forgotten about the evil genie?” “we’ll worry about him latter,” said Chip. Biff and Chip went as fast as they could, but it was hard work. They had to climb over big rocks. At last they came to the mountain. Biff was tired. She sat on a rock for rest. The mountain looked steep and rocky. “How can we climb up?” asked Biff. The Chip found a dried up stream. “Come on,” called chip. “This gully looks an easy way up.” Biff and Chip began to climb up the gully. Suddenly there was a loud noise and a terrible smell. It was the evil geine. He was standing at the top of the gully. “Ha! I can soon get rid of you,” He shouted.


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