Time 2022.11.16 Wednesday


Predicting the future

what do you think the future will look like?

our city will be more and more intelligent,Our city will use more and more cameras, which will make the streets of

our city more and moreOur city will use more and more cameras, which will make the streets of our city more and more

I think our furniture will become more and more intelligent, and robots will help us do most of the housework.

How do you think the world will be change by the year 2060?

Automatic driving technology will be widely used in our transportation, and we don’t need to learn driver’s license

anymoreAutomatic driving technology will be widely used in our transportation, and we don’t need to learn driver’s license anymore

Are you and your classmate optimisitc or pessimistic about the future?why?

On the whole, I am optimistic about the future,because There are more good people than bad people

by the year 2060,people will be populatiing Mars.

Because the living conditions suitable for us are too harsh,

and our own survival ability is too poor

Use these verb forms to describe how you see the future.

Do you agree or disagree with these statements?why?



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