1 Expressions Stating objectives

Here are some expressions for communicating common business objectives (objectives) for employees.

proactive in 积极主动的
defects 缺陷

John needs to be proactive in finding and fixing defects.
John needs to be proactive in finding and fixing defects.

I will become involved in the early stages of project planning.
I’ll become involved in the early stages of project planning.

Roger should play a role in the design stage of products.
Roger should play a role in the design stage of products.

Mary needs to point out problems in our manufacturing process.
Mary needs to point out problems in our manufacturing process.

Ron needs to lead the development of our new software.
Ron needs to lead the development of our new software.

Sherry has to take responsibility for her team’s missed deadlines.
Sherry has to take responsibility for her team’s missed deadlines.

The whole team needs to submit annual objectives that are clear and detailed.
The whole team needs to submit annual objectives that are clear and detailed.

Put the words in the correct order

Ralph should lead the development of products.

She should play a role in project planning.

She has to take responsibility for software.

Martin needs to be proactive in finding solutions.

Jack needs to point out problems.

I will become involved in designing our products.

Select the correct words

She needs to be proactive in fixing defects.

John has to become involved in product design.

Rose should play a role in software development.

He doesn’t point out problems when he sees them.

They both should lead the development of products.

We need her to take responsibility for the team’s missed deadlines.

Five people haven’t submitted their quarterly objectives.

Connect the matching texts

play a role in…

point out problems in…

take responsibility for

be proactive in…

become involved in

lead the development of…

Listen and record what you hear.

We all need to point out problems in the process.

The manager has to take responsibility for deadlines.

She should play a role in the design of products.

Everyone needs to submit annual objectives.

We will become involved in project planning.

He needs to be proactive in finding defects.

They need to lead the development of new software.

2 Grammar Annual objectives



We want him to develop a faster design process. 我们希望他能开发出更快的设计过程。



As an area for improvement, you have to be more proactive. 作为一个可以改进的方面,你必须更加积极主动。


以-y结尾的双音节形容词,改-y为-i 再加-er。

She needs to be involved earlier in the process. 她需要在过程中更早地参与进来。



He’s a good worker, but we need him to get better fast! 他是一个好的员工,但是我们需要他快点变得更好!

We want you to play a bigger role in the future. 我们希望你在将来能起到更大的作用。

Elizabeth has written Jack an email to help him with Jessica’s objectives. Select the correct answer.

competent 有能力的


I talked to some people, and they all think Jessica is ready; not shy – actually, very competent. Three people said she just needs a chance. We need to let her take more responsibility. Here are my suggested changes in role and objectives for her for next year.

promote her to senior designer
have her manage designers Larry and Martina
involve her earlier in the design process to work with product owners and VP of product development

become more proactive
help get products from idea to market faster
This is much more responsibility for Jessica, but she can do it. For all of this, you’ll need to be available. Meet with her once or twice every week. She will need some help.


Select the correct answer

She needs to be more proactive in fixing defects.
Rose should play a more important role in software development.
We want her to develop a faster design process.
We need her to take more responsibility for the missed deadlines.
You’ll have a much bigger role and more responsibility.
you need to be involved ealier in the process.

You need to take more responsibility.

Listen and record what you hear.

You will have much more responsibility.

We need you to be more proactive.

We’re promoting you to senior designer.

You’ll have a much bigger role in design.

You have to help us create a better process.

You’re going to manage two people.

You need to be involved earlier in the process.

3 Final Task Job-related objectives

Meet with Martin to discuss professional objectives. Listen and record the correct response.

No problem. Today we’re just going to start the process.

The Brazil database. Great job leading the project!

Next challenge is to get more involved with the junior engineers.

Yes. Your first objective is to play a bigger role with them as a mentor.

Next, there is one big area for improvement we should talk about.

Yes. A major objective for you is to point out and fix defects earlier.

Do those two things, and we can promote you in six months.

Yes. Those are the two big things for you.


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