
假设要在两台服务器 s1.emqx.io, s2.emqx.io 上部署 EMQ X 集群:

节点名 主机名 (FQDN) IP 地址
emqx@s1.emqx.io 或 emqx@ s1.emqx.io
emqx@s2.emqx.io 或 emqx@ s2.emqx.io

注意: 节点名格式为 Name@Host, Host 必须是 IP 地址或 FQDN (主机名。域名)

技能分享之 Markdown

Text basics

this is italic and this is bold . another italic and another bold

this is important text. and percentage signs : % and %


Here is some indented text

even more indented


Big title (h1)

Middle title (h2)

Smaller title (h3)

and so on (hX)

and so on (hX)
and so on (hX)

Example lists (1)

unordered list

  • bullets can be -, +, or *

  • bullet list 1

  • bullet list 2

    • sub item 1

    • sub item 2

      with indented text inside

  • bullet list 3

  • bullet list 4
  • bullet list 5

  • an asterisk starts an unordered list

  • and this is another item in the list

  • or you can also use the + character
  • or the – character

ordered list

To start an ordered list, write this:

  1. this starts a list with numbers
  2. this will show as number “2”
  3. this will show as number “3.”
  4. any number, +, -, or * will keep the list going.
    • just indent by 4 spaces (or tab) to make a sub-list
      1. keep indenting for more sub lists
      2. another sub list
    • here i’m back to the second level

To start a check list, write this:


First Header Second Header
Content Cell Content Cell
Content Cell Content Cell
主机和磁盘 价格(元/月)
2核8G 186/month
普通硬盘(8T) 1820/month
SSD(8T) 5720/month

You can also put the link URL below the current paragraph
like this.

GitHub Flavored Markdown

Some Python code :

import random

class CardGame(object):
    """ a sample python class """
    NB_CARDS = 32
    def __init__(self, cards=5):
        self.cards = random.sample(range(self.NB_CARDS), 5)
        print 'ready to play'

Some SQL code :



A sample image :

Another sample image:

cheer up


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