
2022.11.25 Friday

Choosing a bank

what’s more important to you: ‘overdraft protection’ or ‘high interest rates’ ?

Investigate the services of a new bang with your classmates.

Are you happy with your bank?

my bank send me a lot of advertisement sms to my phone

what extra services does your bank offer?

Are there any other services that you would like to have?

You can apply for a mortgage from the bank.
you can apply for a Credit card to pay your monthly pay.

Buy some life insurance.
investigate your money.

Did you mention any of these banking services?what other services can you think of?

Financial services

Service of agency

Your voice is so low that I can’t hear you clearly

Business in debt

Asset business

Deposit business
loan business
settlement business

checking account 支票账户

Which banking services do these customers need?




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