一、Installing Ansible-2.9.27 Inventory Use on openEuler

1 地址

2 环境

[root@manage ~]# python3
Python 3.10.2 (main, Sep  8 2022, 00:00:00) [GCC 10.3.1] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> exit
Use exit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit

3 安装

dnf search ansible
dnf install -y ansible
[root@manage ~]# ansible --version
ansible 2.9.27
  config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
  configured module search path = ['/root/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
  ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ansible
  executable location = /usr/bin/ansible
  python version = 3.10.2 (main, Sep  8 2022, 00:00:00) [GCC 10.3.1]

4 参数详情

  1. ## ansible –help
  2. ## -v, –verbose 表示:verbose mode (-vvv for more, –vvvv to enable connection debugging)
  3. ## -i   表示:主机清单文件路径,默认在 /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
  4. ## -m 表示:模块名称,默认使用command模块
  5. ## -a  表示:模块动作,执行的命令
  6. ## -k  表示:ssh密码
  7. ## -C  表示:不对目标主机做任何修改,只测试并返回结果
  8. ## -T  表示:连接远程主机的最大超时,单位为秒
  9. ## –list-hosts 表示:列出符合条件的主机列表,不执行任何命令


二、Ansible 配置文件

1 Ansible 配置文件 查找顺序

  1. ANSIBLE_CONFIG:Ansible 命令会检查环境 $ANSIBLE_CONFIG 变量
  2. ./ansible.cfg:查找当前目录下的 ansible.cfg配置文件
  3. ~/.ansible.cfg:查找用户目录下的 ansible.cfg配置文件
  4. /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg:安装Ansible时自动产生的配置文件
## 修改配置
vim /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
## 跳过检查主机 也就是第一次ssh连接要输入: yes/no
71 host_key_checking = False
111 log_path = /var/log/ansible.log

## 查看默认 defaults 配置
[root@manage ~]# cat /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
10 [defaults]
12 # some basic default values...
14 #inventory      = /etc/ansible/hosts
15 #library        = /usr/share/my_modules/
16 #module_utils   = /usr/share/my_module_utils/
17 #remote_tmp     = ~/.ansible/tmp
18 #local_tmp      = ~/.ansible/tmp
19 #plugin_filters_cfg = /etc/ansible/plugin_filters.yml
20 #forks          = 5
21 #poll_interval  = 15
22 #sudo_user      = root
23 #ask_sudo_pass = True
24 #ask_pass      = True
25 #transport      = smart
26 #remote_port    = 22
27 #module_lang    = C
28 #module_set_locale = False
## 查询非注释的,都是些模块
[root@manage ~]# egrep -v '#|^$' /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
host_key_checking = False
log_path = /var/log/ansible.log
## 是非root用户需要配置提权


三、Ansible Inventory




## 默认配置文件,示例文件[各种例子]
cat /etc/ansible/hosts

## 基于密码连接
vim /etc/ansible/hosts
## xyz 自定义模块名称
## 用户名 密码 端口
[xyz] ansible_ssh_user=root ansible_ssh_pass='xxx' ansible_ssh_port=22 ansible_ssh_user=root ansible_ssh_pass='xxx' ansible_ssh_port=22

ansible xyz -a 'cat /etc/openEuler-release'

1 基于密码连接

vim /etc/ansible/hosts
## xyz 自定义模块名称
## 用户名 密码 端口
[xyz] ansible_ssh_user=root ansible_ssh_pass='xxx' ansible_ssh_port=22 ansible_ssh_user=root ansible_ssh_pass='xxx' ansible_ssh_port=22

ansible xyz -a 'cat /etc/openEuler-release'

2 基于域名连接

vi /etc/hosts web01.iyuyi.xyz web02.iyuyi.xyz

vim /etc/ansible/hosts
web0[1:2].iyuyi.xyz ansible_ssh_pass='xxx'

## 测试通不通
[root@manage ~]# ansible web -m ping
[WARNING]: Platform linux on host web02.iyuyi.xyz is using the discovered Python interpreter
at /usr/bin/python3, but future installation of another Python interpreter could change this.
See https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/2.9/reference_appendices/interpreter_discovery.html for
more information.
web02.iyuyi.xyz | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"
[WARNING]: Platform linux on host web01.iyuyi.xyz is using the discovered Python interpreter
at /usr/bin/python3, but future installation of another Python interpreter could change this.
See https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/2.9/reference_appendices/interpreter_discovery.html for
more information.
web01.iyuyi.xyz | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"

3 基于密钥连接

## 创建公钥和私钥,分发节点被控端
ssh-keygen -t rsa
## 定义 master 列表
## 配置免密登录
for i in ${MASTER_LIST[@]};do
    ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root@$i

## 自定义hosts
## 没有这台机器
cat > /opt/hosts.txt << EOF

## all 表示所有模块
## -i  指定自定义 hosts文件
[root@manage ~]# ansible all -i /opt/hosts.txt -e "ansible_python_interpreter=auto_legacy_silent" -m ping | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"
} | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host",
    "unreachable": true

4 children 组

cat > /opt/data-children.txt << EOF

[root@manage ~]# ansible data -i /opt/data-children.txt -a 'cat /etc/openEuler-release'
[WARNING]: Platform linux on host is using the discovered Python interpreter at
/usr/bin/python3, but future installation of another Python interpreter could change this.
See https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/2.9/reference_appendices/interpreter_discovery.html for
more information. | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
openEuler release 22.09
[WARNING]: Platform linux on host is using the discovered Python interpreter at
/usr/bin/python3, but future installation of another Python interpreter could change this.
See https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/2.9/reference_appendices/interpreter_discovery.html for
more information. | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
openEuler release 22.09 | UNREACHABLE! => {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host",
    "unreachable": true

5 查询组中内容

ansible all -i /opt/data-children.txt --list-hosts


X、One Step Success

1 安装日志


2 帮助命令

 [root@manage ~]# ansible --help
usage: ansible [-h] [--version] [-v] [-b] [--become-method BECOME_METHOD]
               [--become-user BECOME_USER] [-K] [-i INVENTORY] [--list-hosts] [-l SUBSET]
               [-P POLL_INTERVAL] [-B SECONDS] [-o] [-t TREE] [-k]
               [--private-key PRIVATE_KEY_FILE] [-u REMOTE_USER] [-c CONNECTION]
               [-T TIMEOUT] [--ssh-common-args SSH_COMMON_ARGS]
               [--sftp-extra-args SFTP_EXTRA_ARGS] [--scp-extra-args SCP_EXTRA_ARGS]
               [--ssh-extra-args SSH_EXTRA_ARGS] [-C] [--syntax-check] [-D]
               [-e EXTRA_VARS] [--vault-id VAULT_IDS]
               [--ask-vault-pass | --vault-password-file VAULT_PASSWORD_FILES] [-f FORKS]
               [-M MODULE_PATH] [--playbook-dir BASEDIR] [-a MODULE_ARGS] [-m MODULE_NAME]

Define and run a single task 'playbook' against a set of hosts

positional arguments:
  pattern               host pattern

  --ask-vault-pass      ask for vault password
  --list-hosts          outputs a list of matching hosts; does not execute anything else
  --playbook-dir BASEDIR
                        Since this tool does not use playbooks, use this as a substitute
                        playbook directory.This sets the relative path for many features
                        including roles/ group_vars/ etc.
  --syntax-check        perform a syntax check on the playbook, but do not execute it
  --vault-id VAULT_IDS  the vault identity to use
  --vault-password-file VAULT_PASSWORD_FILES
                        vault password file
  --version             show program's version number, config file location, configured
                        module search path, module location, executable location and exit
  -B SECONDS, --background SECONDS
                        run asynchronously, failing after X seconds (default=N/A)
  -C, --check           don't make any changes; instead, try to predict some of the
                        changes that may occur
  -D, --diff            when changing (small) files and templates, show the differences in
                        those files; works great with --check
  -M MODULE_PATH, --module-path MODULE_PATH
                        prepend colon-separated path(s) to module library (default=~/.ansi
                        set the poll interval if using -B (default=15)
                        module arguments
  -e EXTRA_VARS, --extra-vars EXTRA_VARS
                        set additional variables as key=value or YAML/JSON, if filename
                        prepend with @
  -f FORKS, --forks FORKS
                        specify number of parallel processes to use (default=5)
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INVENTORY, --inventory INVENTORY, --inventory-file INVENTORY
                        specify inventory host path or comma separated host list.
                        --inventory-file is deprecated
  -l SUBSET, --limit SUBSET
                        further limit selected hosts to an additional pattern
  -m MODULE_NAME, --module-name MODULE_NAME
                        module name to execute (default=command)
  -o, --one-line        condense output
  -t TREE, --tree TREE  log output to this directory
  -v, --verbose         verbose mode (-vvv for more, -vvvv to enable connection debugging)

Privilege Escalation Options:
  control how and which user you become as on target hosts

  --become-method BECOME_METHOD
                        privilege escalation method to use (default=sudo), use `ansible-
                        doc -t become -l` to list valid choices.
  --become-user BECOME_USER
                        run operations as this user (default=root)
  -K, --ask-become-pass
                        ask for privilege escalation password
  -b, --become          run operations with become (does not imply password prompting)

Connection Options:
  control as whom and how to connect to hosts

  --private-key PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, --key-file PRIVATE_KEY_FILE
                        use this file to authenticate the connection
  --scp-extra-args SCP_EXTRA_ARGS
                        specify extra arguments to pass to scp only (e.g. -l)
  --sftp-extra-args SFTP_EXTRA_ARGS
                        specify extra arguments to pass to sftp only (e.g. -f, -l)
  --ssh-common-args SSH_COMMON_ARGS
                        specify common arguments to pass to sftp/scp/ssh (e.g.
  --ssh-extra-args SSH_EXTRA_ARGS
                        specify extra arguments to pass to ssh only (e.g. -R)
  -T TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        override the connection timeout in seconds (default=10)
  -c CONNECTION, --connection CONNECTION
                        connection type to use (default=smart)
  -k, --ask-pass        ask for connection password
                        connect as this user (default=None)

Some modules do not make sense in Ad-Hoc (include, meta, etc)


Y、Error message

1 python3-babel-2.10.3-1.oe2209.noarch: Cannot download

[MIRROR] python3-babel-2.10.3-1.oe2209.noarch.rpm: Curl error (28): Timeout was reached for http://repo.openeuler.org/openEuler-22.09/OS/x86_64/Packages/python3-babel-2.10.3-1.oe2209.noarch.rpm [Operation too slow. Less than 1000 bytes/sec transferred the last 30 seconds]
[MIRROR] python3-babel-2.10.3-1.oe2209.noarch.rpm: Curl error (28): Timeout was reached for http://repo.openeuler.org/openEuler-22.09/OS/x86_64/Packages/python3-babel-2.10.3-1.oe2209.noarch.rpm [Operation too slow. Less than 1000 bytes/sec transferred the last 30 seconds]
[MIRROR] python3-babel-2.10.3-1.oe2209.noarch.rpm: Curl error (7): Couldn't connect to server for http://repo.openeuler.org/openEuler-22.09/OS/x86_64/Packages/python3-babel-2.10.3-1.oe2209.noarch.rpm [Failed to connect to repo.openeuler.org port 80 after 21015 ms: Connection refused]
[MIRROR] python3-babel-2.10.3-1.oe2209.noarch.rpm: Curl error (6): Couldn't resolve host name for http://repo.openeuler.org/openEuler-22.09/OS/x86_64/Packages/python3-babel-2.10.3-1.oe2209.noarch.rpm [Could not resolve host: repo.openeuler.org]
[FAILED] python3-babel-2.10.3-1.oe2209.noarch.rpm: No more mirrors to try - All mirrors were already tried without success
(19/19): ansible-2.9.27-3. 45% [===========-              ] 1.4 MB/s |  13 MB     00:11 ETA
The downloaded packages were saved in cache until the next successful transaction.
You can remove cached packages by executing 'dnf clean packages'.
Error: Error downloading packages:
  python3-babel-2.10.3-1.oe2209.noarch: Cannot download, all mirrors were already tried without success


## 下载慢,或失败,单独下载此rpm包
mkdir /opt/software;cd /opt/software
wget https://repo.openeuler.org/openEuler-22.09/OS/x86_64/Packages/python3-babel-2.10.3-1.oe2209.noarch.rpm

[root@manage ~]# rpm -ivh /opt/software/python3-babel-2.10.3-1.oe2209.noarch.rpm  --nodeps
Verifying...                          ################################# [100%]
Preparing...                          ################################# [100%]
Updating / installing...
   1:python3-babel-2.10.3-1.oe2209    ################################# [100%]
## 在进行安装
dnf install -y ansible

觉得不行的话,可以使用自定义配置YUM和 Everything 20G安装

2 ansible的报警提示,影响查看结果

[WARNING]: Platform linux on host is using the discovered Python interpreter at
/usr/bin/python3, but future installation of another Python interpreter could change this.
See https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/2.9/reference_appendices/interpreter_discovery.html for
more information.


## 添加 ansible_python_interpreter 参数
ansible all -e "ansible_python_interpreter=auto_legacy_silent" -m ping

## 全局配置
## 在 /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg 的 [defaults] 部分添加配置
vim /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
interpreter_python = auto_legacy_silent



Z、Related Links


openEuler-22.09 Configures YUM Local Source Everything:https://www.cnblogs.com/huaxiayuyi/p/16915987.html


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