Cummins INLINE 7 Data Link Adapter description :
1.Hardware: Cummins INLINE 7 Data Link Adapter
2.Software: Cummins Insite 8.5/8.7
3.Update Method: update by CDs
4.Multi-language: English(united states)/ Chinese(simplified)/ Danish/ Dutch/ Finnish/ French/ German/ Italian/ Japanese/ Korean/ Norwegian/ Portuguese/ Russian/ Spanish/ Swedish/ Turkish
5.Suggest Operating System: Win7 32 Bit System
6.Connection Method: USB 

New Cummins engine diagnostic tool Cummins INLINE 7 Data Link Adapter has a faster processor, more robust algorithms, larger memory buffers and more sophisticated filtering than previous models while simultaneously accessing multiple vehicle data channels. INLINE 7 supports USB, WiFi and Bluetooth technologies in a single device. INLINE 7 communicates with your PC and is designed for future capability with mobile products.

The Cummins INLINE 7 data link adapter communicates with your PC using a Universal Serial Bus (USB) through a standard USB connector as well as through WiFi or Bluetooth. INLINE 7 is fully compliant with the Technology and Maintenance Council’s RP1210 standard and supports three simultaneous CAN connections and offers baud rates of 250k, 500k and 1 megabaud.

The Cummins INLINE 7 DataLink Adapter is designed to function with a wide array of Cummins, OEM and third-party service and information tools, including the following:
Cummins INSITE
Cummins PowerSpec
Detroit Diesel Diagnostic Link
CAT Electronic Technician (On-Highway only)
Navistar® -ServiceMaxx Fleet Pro
Volvo PTT
VCAD Elite Mack/Volvo
V-Mac Service Tools
Allison DOC® For PC Service Tool
Allison DOC® for Fleets (1000/2000/3000/4000)
Eaton ServiceRanger
Bendix ACom
WABCO Toolbox
Freightliner ServiceLink
International DLB, Intune, and IPC v2.02
International ServiceMaxx
and many more!

Cummins INLINE 7 Supports several other protocols:
such as J1708, J1587, ISO 15765, ISO 9141 (K and L line)

Packing List:
1pc x Cummins INLINE 7 Data Link Adapter 
1pc x DB26Pln-OBDll Cable 
1pc x USB Cable
1pc x DB26/2Pin/3Pin Cable
1pc x DB26/9Pin Data Link Cable
1pc x 3Pin Connector 
1pc x 3Pin Connector
1pc x  Second Hand Laptop Lenovo X220 Laptop (All software activated. All system ready to use)


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