STM32L4 series of ultra-low-power MCUs

ST has built a new architecture to reach best-in-class ultra-low-power figures thanks to its high flexibility. STM32L4 MCUs have scored 447 ULPMark-CP and 167 ULPMark-PP in the standardized EEMBC™ ULPMark® tests that compare the efficiency of ultra-low-power microcontrollers. Moreover, the STM32L4 series shatters performance limits in the ultra-low-power world. It delivers 100 DMIPS based on its Arm® Cortex®-M4 core with FPU and ST ART Accelerator™ at 80 MHz.

STM32L4 microcontrollers offer dynamic voltage scaling to balance power consumption with processing demand, low-power peripherals (LP UART, LP timers) available in Stop mode, safety and security features, smart and numerous peripherals, advanced and low-power analog peripherals such as op amps, comparators, LCD, 12-bit DACs and 16-bit ADCs (hardware oversampling).

The series are available in different lines: STM32L4x1 (Access line), STM32L4x2 (USB Device), STM32L4x3 (USB Device, LCD), STM32L4x5 (USB OTG) and STM32L4x6 (USB OTG, LCD).

To simplify migration and give you all the flexibility you need, the STM32L4 is pin-to-pin compatible with the different STM32 series and opens the door to the full STM32 ecosystem.

Ultra-low-power mode: 8 nA with backup registers without real-time clock (5 wakeup pins)
Ultra-low-power mode + RTC: 200 nA with backup registers (5 wakeup pins)
Ultra-low-power mode + 8 Kbytes of RAM: 195 nA
Ultra-low-power mode + 8 Kbytes of RAM + RTC: 340 nA
Dynamic run mode: down to 28 μA/MHz
Wake-up time: 5 μs



ST已经建立了一个新的架构,以达到一流的超低功耗数字。在标准化的EEMBC™ULPMark®测试中,STM32L4mcu获得了447个ULPMark-CP和167个ULPMark-PP,这些测试比较了超低功耗微控制器的效率。此外,STM32L4系列打破了在超低功耗世界中的性能限制。它提供了100 DMIPS,基于其Arm®Cortex®-M4核心,与FPU和ST ART加速器™在80 MHz。


该系列有不同的线路:STM32L4x1(接入线路)、STM32L4x2(USB设备)、STM32L4x3(USB设备,LCD)、STM32L4x5(USB OTG)和STM32L4x6(USB OTG,LCD)。


超低功耗模式:8 nA,带备份寄存器,无实时时钟(5个唤醒针)
超低功耗模式+ RTC:200 nA,带备份寄存器(5个唤醒针)
超低功耗模式+ 8 Kbytes内存: 195 nA
超低功耗模式+ 8 Kbytes内存+ RTC: 340 nA
动态运行模式:降至28 μA/MHz
唤醒时间:5 μs


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